Based on Hindu Calendar, Holi is celebrated on the full moon day (Poornima) to the fifth day (Panchmi) of Phalgun month. Fifth Day is also known as Rang Panchmi. The celebration varies depending on regional variations.
Holi gets us close to our religion and our mythology as it reminds us of various legends and their stories. It reminds us of Prahlad, who was saved for his extreme devotion to the lord while Holika paid a price for her sinister desire. The tradition of burning Holika or the ‘Holika Dahan’ comes mainly from there.
Tantrics (People who believe in supernatural powers) wait for the day of Holi very impatiently. You can also fulfill your wishes by doing some easy remedies and reciting some mantras on the auspicious occasion of this festival. You can get benefit by doing any one of these following remedies according to your wishes.
If you aspire to grow in your business or progress in your job, then count the number of years you have been in business or job. Take Gomati Chakra in similar numbers and offer them one by one to the fire of Holi with devotion wishing prosperity. By God’s grace, you shall get a definite success.
If you are a victim of an evil eye, and facing hurdles in the progress of your business. In that case, you must go to the Lord Hanuman temple on the day of Holi and carry with you- Dhoop, Deep, Agarbatti, and Nazarbattu.
Light dhoop & incense stick in front of Lord Hanuman & chant this mantra 108 times “OM HANUMATE NAMAH“. Express your wish to the Lord and touch this Nazarbathu to the statue.
Put this Nazarbattu (Evil Eye) in black thread. Offer jaggery to it and then distribute this as prasadam. Wear It in your neck or keep it at your workplace. Your wishes shall definitely be granted.
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