Sunday, April 3, 2022

Chaitra Navratri 2022 2nd Day 3 April Maa Brahmacharini Puja Vidhi Bhog Color Mantra

Chaitra Navratri 2022 2nd Day 3 April Maa Brahmacharini Puja Vidhi Bhog Color Mantra

Navratri festival has special significance in Hinduism. Navratri has started and today Mother Brahmacharini will be worshiped on the second day of Navratri. On Sunday, April 3, all the wishes of the devotees are fulfilled by observing the fast story and offering prayers to the mother. It is believed that worship of Mother Brahmacharini increases tenacity, strength, renunciation, virtue, restraint and detachment and defeats enemies and gives victory over them.

Form of Mother Brahmacharini

Mother Brahmacharini holds a rosary of tapas in her right hand and a kamandal in her left hand. Worshiping Mother Brahmacharini leads to renunciation of austerity, detachment, virtue and restraint in life. Along with this, self-confidence also increases. By the grace of Mother Brahmacharini, a person does not get scared of troubles, but faces them firmly.

Story of Maa Brahmacharini

In her previous birth, Mother Brahmacharini is the daughter of Parvatraj Himalaya. Mother Brahmacharini does severe penance to get Lord Shankar as her husband. That is why she is called Brahmacharini. According to the scriptures, Mother Brahmacharini ate fruits and flowers for a thousand years and lived only on the ground for a hundred years and lived on vegetables. Not only this, after this the mother kept a strict fast and endured the sun and rain under the open sky.

Eat broken bilva leaves and worship Lord Shankar continuously. When Bhole Nath was not pleased even with his hard penance, he also stopped eating dried bilva leaves. She continued to do penance for several thousand years, remaining waterless and helpless. When the mother stopped eating the leaves, her name was Aparna. Mother Brahmacharini became very weak due to hard penance. Seeing such a difficult penance of the mother, all the deities, sages, siddhas, sages all praised and blessed the fulfillment of their wishes.

Disclaimer: The information provided here is based on assumptions and information only. It is important to mention here that does not endorse any kind of validation, information. Before applying any information or assumption, consult the concerned expert.

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